March 16, 2009 - Acid rain

Appropriately, I’ve decided to add some Flash to the header (which is likely to become more and more resource intensive as I meddle inexorably with its source) which is also appropriately melded in with CSS and Javascript via the nifty new colour changer…

Yes that’s right, you can now change the colour of my blog! Far be it for me as a designer to impose my will upon you and make you put up with my dodgy colours – choose your own dodgy colours instead!*

I’ll include the jQuery (and jQueryUI) source for the colour changer soon when I’ve cleaned up the selectors and made them a bit more portable.

* For the love of god, don’t make it pink though.

March 14, 2009 - Styled to kill

… or at least it will be – at the moment it’s rather drab (in a very Lew sort of way).

So, I’ve sorted myself a server out, I’ve created a blog on it (harnessing my new love of WordPress) and now I’m itching to roll out some of the projects I’ve been working on.

Some of the stuff that will be making its way here has already been seen by my crack team of testers – also known as #SQS – and includes such delights as:

  • Muster – a game management system (GMS, I like it!) which allows easy creation and sign-up to online games.
  • Clarity – a PHP/Flash-based automatic gallery creation system that runs without a database, provides intelligent caching and reads and displays EXIF data to boot.
  • Caboodle – the back-end PHP/JSON-based engine that drives Clarity.
  • Chaos Enhanced – my big project, an online-enabled, Flash-based update to the cult classic game Chaos: The Battle of the Wizards which will use the whole spectrum (ho ho) of my abilities to realise.

Anyway, enough chatting – I better get to work!

February 10, 2009 - $(“#main”).append(“<p>Hello world!</p>”);

The thrashery is about to begin…

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