April 8, 2009 - iPhone finally

After several attempts to buy an iPhone off O2’s blatantly broken site I finally have one of these beautiful devices. Oh and I’m updating the blog from it as we speak! 🙂


April 6, 2009 - Racist tea

(8:44.51) <SEPTiMUS> right
(8:45.03) <SEPTiMUS> some white tea, and q3
(8:45.08) <worrywort> rofl
(8:45.10) <worrywort> you racist lew
(8:45.15) <SEPTiMUS> supreme tea
(8:45.15) <SpermSwamp> lol
(8:45.23) <SpermSwamp> pitch tea
(8:45.30) <SEPTiMUS> I'm so racist I put milk in my black tea to make it white
(8:45.35) <SEPTiMUS> that's how fucking utterly racist I am

March 27, 2009 - Ooh, pretty

Just thought I’d share a little trick I’ve just discovered while anally going through a couple of my projects making all the HTML properly indented… it seems I spend a lot of my time trying to find ways to make my life in some way easier, and this is one of the ones which worked!


// your code here

$pretty = new DOMDocument("1.0");
$pretty->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$pretty->formatOutput = true;
echo $pretty->saveXML();

Essentially it formats your XHTML (you’d have to use Tidy for regular HTML, but we don’t like that dirty stuff) correctly via PHP’s own XML and DOM manipulation classes. Very nifty – though of course it adds a bit of overhead, and makes everything much less forgiving as far as not well-formedness goes, but hey – I consider that an incentive to write better code 🙂

0 | PHP

March 17, 2009 - ColorShift initial release

As promised, I’ve added the slightly fettled version of ColorShift (as it’s now known – yes I’m English, no I won’t spell it ‘colour’ because I’m a webdev) to the site. Currently it’s in a pretty sorry state and only just works via the crutches of pure hackery that keep it standing…

… okay a bit melodramatic but you get the gist. Go get it!