December 5, 2021 - Archaos: beta 1
It’s been a while has it not?
Well, here we are near the end of 2021 and what do I have but… a beta release of Archaos! Yes, that’s right, the game I’ve been working on most of my adult life finally gets a public, playable release!

This iteration has taken just over a month from start to beta, and I’m pretty happy with where it is right now. There are of course bugs, inconsistencies, and annoyances, as well as some big missing features (computer opponents and multiplayer being the ones I feel most will point out) but I hope to address these in time.
If you want to play it now, you can do so here:
It currently has no network multiplayer or computer opponents (things I plan on addressing in due time) and has some bugs and inconsistencies, but I’ve managed to have a decent amount of relatively ‘vanilla’ experiences now playing the game on my own.
The source code is also public, available at my Github: – please do feel free to report any bugs or requests features etc. on here, and I’ll do my best to get around to them.
Thanks for holding on there, it’s been a journey.