January 16, 2010 - Full cycle
The Archaos server now validates, processes and outputs a full turn of human interactions. This is a pretty major milestone in the development process, and I’m very happy with the results so far:
{ "turn" : 1, "phase" : "move", "interaction" : "sequence", "finished" : true, "actions" : [ { "type" : "move", "player" : "lewster32", "time" : 1263682234, "data" : { "piece" : "p0", "path" : [ { "x" : 1, "y" : 7 } ] } }, { "type" : "end_turn", "player" : "lewster32", "time" : 1263682234 }, { "type" : "move", "player" : "bobster16", "time" : 1263682234, "data" : { "piece" : "p1", "path" : [ { "x" : 13, "y" : 5 } ] } }, { "type" : "move", "player" : "bobster16", "time" : 1263682234, "data" : { "piece" : "p3", "path" : { "x" : 11, "y" : 4 }, "flying" : true } }, { "type" : "end_turn", "player" : "bobster16", "time" : 1263682234 } ] }
I’d like to mention the huge amount of support, encouragement and fantastic resources provided by certain people of late. @andy_herbert has been a fantastic vocal advocate and provider of much inspiration and technical knowhow (he’s an utterly brilliant multi-talented programmer in his own right) and I owe an awful lot to his ‘cheery’ tone on Twitter! 😉
Secondly, I’d like to shout out a big hello to the Slashdot horde, who accosted the site a few days back. I got a hell of a lot of visits from these guys and I’m sure it’s helped spread the word about Archaos (even if that wasn’t actually my intention) and more importantly the Chaos scene in general!
Finally, a big thanks to @Zolyx for mentioning the project on his blog along with the other fantastic Chaos projects out there – muchos appreciated!